A Few of Our Class Awards

Awarded to:
Kathy Jensen

Remember Coach Bill Sharman, Zelmo Beatty, Dick Nemelka, Red Robbins, Ron Boone and Willie Wise? In 1972 the Utah Stars won the Western Division Championship with 60 wins and 24 losses. They later fell to their arch-nemesis in the West, the Indiana Pacers.

Say hello for us Kathy.
Awarded to:
Bob Hutchings 

There were at least two local Husky stations: one at 2300 E and one later behind Albertson's on 70th South. We tried to get hold of someone from Wiles Gas Stations for a donation (Brad, where are you?) but couldn't reach them. Other stations we tried included the American at 70th S and Highland Drive and all of the Beelines.
Awarded to:
Gary Fritzsche

Was it really Gary? 

In the early 1970s using the slogan "Getting Better with Age," the hotel added two new wings, 160 guest rooms, a grand ballroom, exhibit space for conventions, a new kitchen, and a new rooftop restaurant. Later, during the1980's they were managed by the Westin Hotel chain, but as the decade closed so did the Hotel. 

More Posts From the Graffiti Board

September 8, 2012... as the room fills.
Remember When... I went to the Woodland Drive-In with friends? Roxanne Hardy ('71) drove and we put Bobbi Leavitt ('72) and Tina Monty ('73) in the empty spare tire compartment so we could use the $$ for Cokes!!
Sorry :(

Remember When... As the cast of Miracle Worker we were very focused on stage. Off stage, not so much - telling Helen Keller jokes. Also, I remember hiding from substitutes in the instrument storage room of the band room. What happened in Reno (Jazz Festival) stays in Reno!

Remember When... Beer was 99 cents per 6 pack, or 69 cents on sale?

Posts From the Reunion Night Graffiti Board

Brenda Coope Baumgardner fills out a comment card for the Graffiti Board
The Graffiti Board yielded up some interesting memories. We wanted to use them during the reunion itself but ran out of time; there never is enough time. So I thought I'd share a few of my favorites here...

"Remember When... someone would call in a bomb threat on a weekly basis in the fall of '71? That meant we'd go out to the stadium and have an impromptu pep rally while they checked the school for bombs."

"Remember When... Jon Drake announced 'keggers' over the school PA system during morning announcements using the code words "steak fry"?

"Remember When... Mr. Sacos chewed out the student body? He said, "You people are sooo rude!"

We Are Still A Very Friendly Group... How Many Here Do You Know?

Dan Wood wins Roger Ingleby's Mercedes in a bet about whether heads or tails comes up more often, as Roger balks and says "Well, not so fast..."  Edette Erekson is showing Geneva Taylor, "That's my new Lamborghini in the parking lot." An incredulous John Shurtleff looks on. Brad Watts watches to see if Elise will abandon her reunion in Bountiful to come to ours. "Really?" says Robert Chappell,  amazed to find out that Holly Johnson and Debbie Wretburg also went to Brighton, meanwhile Jan Boyack is thinking, "Oh great, another picture..."

Brighton High School Class of 1972 Class Picture: 2012

This is not the official class photo... but it sure was hard to get people to line up, smile and look forward. We'll have more info on the official photo and how to get it soon. Click on either picture to enlarge it on your screen, then "roll over" with your mouse to switch between the black and white numbered version and the color version.

1 Roger Ingleby, 2 Geneva Taylor Pearson, 3 Pat Donely, 4 John Shurtleff, 5 Dan Wood, 6 Paul Sommer, 7 Darrell Dean, 8 Steve Miltenberger, 9 David Hansen, 10 Dianne Bergen Beverly, 11 Len Eldridge, 12 Mark Moffitt, 13 Richard Earl, 14 Mark Davenport, 15 Gordon Madsen, 16 Kerry Bishop, 17 Doug Kitt, 18 Ken Moon, 19 Marion "Sam" Hansen, 20 Julie Proctor, 21 Mark Gordon, 22 Kathy Jensen, 23 Ranae Witt Miltenberger, 24 Anne Campbell Hansen, 25 Robert Chappell, 26 Brian Steffensen, 27 David Graehl, 28 Jeff King, 29 Brent Milne, 30 Steve Carlson, 31 Boyd Beck, 32 Jan Boyack Brown, 33 Janet Winslow Ortgiesen, 34 Debbie Wretberg Snedaker, 35 Brad Watts, 36 Lance Merrill, 37 Annette Cook Brems, 38 ReNae Miller Orton, 39 Robert Hutchings, 40 Holly Page Eggertz, 41 Carol Hairston Allen, 42 Edette Erekson Crump, 43 Jeanine Weber Neilson, 44 Cari Coleman Pusey, 45 Scott Archbold, 46 Gary Fritzsche, 47 Brian Powers, 48 Rick Heilbut, 49 Kent Lange, 50 Scott Christiansen, 51 Brenda Coope Baumgardner, 52 Cathie Martines Wagstaff, 53 Holly Johnson Richards, 54 Lin Petit Brown, 55 Alan Hashimoto, 56 Brenda Berrett Dahlgren, 57 Randy Finnas, 58 Shauna Clark Bromburger, 59 Dan Rogers (image) 60 Rosanne Reed Schulthies, 61 Bobbi Leavitt Widerburg, 62 Steve Campbell, 63 Teresa Wright Cunningham, 64 Leslie Robinson, 65 Terri Erickson Meadows, 66 Brad Milne, 67 Pam Clift Wootten, 68 Robyn Rose McCloy, 69 Vicky Massey Hagman, 70 Marchelle Brown, 71 Lynn Crayk, 72 Carol Ecklund McBride, 73 Sharlene Beeny Kiertead, 74 Jodi Hess Ellsworth, 75 Terry Van Wagoner

Quick Update: Bengals Gathering 9/8/2012

Wow! It was a great evening wasn't it? We all looked fabulous (who invited all the old people though?) and no fist fights broke out. Thanks again to the reunion committee for putting their efforts into making the event so memorable: Lynn Crayk, Holly Johnson Richards, Cathie Martines Wagstaff, Dianne Bergen Beverly, Dave Graehl, Rick Heilbut, Brenda Berrett Dahlgren, Lin Petit Brown, Kathy Jensen and Jan Boyack Brown. Special thanks to classmate (and de facto committee member rep in Colorado) Leslie Robinson and her husband Paul Kikuchi for all their efforts in gathering pictures, music and software to make this short tribute to our class.
Here is the llink to the class video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vff-gjLpPfI 
Keep checking in because we'll continue to post reunion photos, comments from the Grafitti Board, Brighton-related trivia and other important updates... like how to get a copy of that great class photo! If you have any questions or suggestions for posts please let me know.
Thanks to everyone for responding, attending and making the night such a wonderful memory for us all. If you couldn't make it this time plan for the next gathering: save 10 cents per month and you should be good. Many of you were missed and asked about...
Best wishes to us all in the coming years,
Steve Burt
Seems Like Hogle Kazoos All Over Again!

The Least You Need to Know for This Weekend!

When: Friday, September 7 at 6:00 PM
Where: Brighton High School
Cost: Free
You can bring something to snack on but it's not required.
Dress Code: Come as you are... within reason.
When: Saturday, September 8 at 6:00 PM
Where: Hidden Valley Country Club
Cost: $75 at the door includes dinner, photos
Dress Code: Collared shirts for men, no denim
If you have already paid your name should appear in the column to the right and we will have your nametags ready. For more information read the posts on this page. We'll continue to post relevant information on the site including pictures, as long as we have something useful to say.

Reunion Evening Activities - Part 6

For those who can't resist a good competition, we'll be giving out ten valuable awards for class members who stand out in specially selected categories. The nature of the awards will not lend themselves to being won by deceit: we may ask for proof from the person claiming the Most Tatoos, for example. We will not be announcing the other categories in advance, but now that you know what two of them are you could fly to London, get a dozen or so tatoos and fly back to Salt Lake City by Saturday afternoon, just in time to shower and dress up in 1) no blue jeans and 2) collared shirts for men (see previous notes below regarding dress code) and then make it in time for the Social Hour(s) from 6:00 PM onward. You can self park on the east side of the building, or valet park if a 50 yard walk is too much, arriving just in time to win Person Who Travelled the Farthest and Most Tatoos.

No Longer On Tour... The Rocky Mountain Quick Step Jug Band

Though some band members will make appearances on September 8, we have been unable to secure a reunion tour performance...