A Few of Our Class Awards

Awarded to:
Kathy Jensen

Remember Coach Bill Sharman, Zelmo Beatty, Dick Nemelka, Red Robbins, Ron Boone and Willie Wise? In 1972 the Utah Stars won the Western Division Championship with 60 wins and 24 losses. They later fell to their arch-nemesis in the West, the Indiana Pacers.

Say hello for us Kathy.
Awarded to:
Bob Hutchings 

There were at least two local Husky stations: one at 2300 E and one later behind Albertson's on 70th South. We tried to get hold of someone from Wiles Gas Stations for a donation (Brad, where are you?) but couldn't reach them. Other stations we tried included the American at 70th S and Highland Drive and all of the Beelines.
Awarded to:
Gary Fritzsche

Was it really Gary? 

In the early 1970s using the slogan "Getting Better with Age," the hotel added two new wings, 160 guest rooms, a grand ballroom, exhibit space for conventions, a new kitchen, and a new rooftop restaurant. Later, during the1980's they were managed by the Westin Hotel chain, but as the decade closed so did the Hotel. 

1 comment:

  1. Gary sent the award back. He did the math wrong in his head but I think he deserves it anyway.
