We Are Still A Very Friendly Group... How Many Here Do You Know?

Dan Wood wins Roger Ingleby's Mercedes in a bet about whether heads or tails comes up more often, as Roger balks and says "Well, not so fast..."  Edette Erekson is showing Geneva Taylor, "That's my new Lamborghini in the parking lot." An incredulous John Shurtleff looks on. Brad Watts watches to see if Elise will abandon her reunion in Bountiful to come to ours. "Really?" says Robert Chappell,  amazed to find out that Holly Johnson and Debbie Wretburg also went to Brighton, meanwhile Jan Boyack is thinking, "Oh great, another picture..."

1 comment:

  1. Remember what the old people looked like when we graduated from Brighton? We kind of look like them now...doesn't it just seem like yesterday?
